Ground Source
Heat Pumps

What is a Ground Source Heat Pump?

Ground source heat pumps, also known as geothermal, are installed underground and use the temperature of the earth to heat your property.

Lowest running cost of any renewable energy

Extremely efficient renewable energy

No external equipment is visible


Reliable and long lasting

Internal unit is smaller than a boiler

Gain financial rewards from the RHI Scheme

How it works

Coils are laid underground below the frost line, a point in the ground roughly 0.5M deep in the UK below which the temperature never drops below zero.

A refrigerant is then circulated through these pipes and warmed up by the ambient temperature of the ground.

This is fed back into an electric compressor and using just a small amount of electricity goes through a heat exchanger, resulting in extra heat which can be used to warm water within the property.

Water Pipes



Heat Pump


Expansion Valve


There are different types of ground source systems, including vertical bore hole systems or horizontal arrays.

All Ground Source heat pumps require land in which to bury the coils, so keep in mind you’ll need access for excavation equipment and ground conditions will be a factor.

We can help advise the most appropriate system for your property and, if you choose to specify a ground source heat pump, we can recommend specialist groundworkers to do the laying.

RHI Applications

(Renewable heat incentive)

The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme provides financial benefits to those who participate. Wilson Heat Pumps can help you through the whole process and have completed many successful applications.

Contact us today to discuss your requirements and see how we can help.